Take your best shot

MAA Blog L'été sera vert

Although we are not sure what we will be able to do or not this summer, it’s a safe bet that you can definitely have some fun on the golf course. A study from Finland showed a significant increase of fitness levels in sedentary men who played golf and walked the course for 2 to […]

10 proven tips to help you start or maintain a fitness program

MAA Blog 10 trucs pour une démarche de remise en forme

The expression, “A Little Goes a Long Way” is quite apt in starting or developing a fitness program. If you are a beginner, start an exercise plan slowly with 1 or 2 training sessions a week, or 15-20 minutes a few times a week.  Rushing in with 4 big weekly workouts would result in muscle […]

Health Club management software
Health Club management software